Thursday, June 10, 2010

Back for the summer!

Hey guys so so so so so so very sorry I couldn't blog alot so NOW that school is almost out I'm going to be posting more and more!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Cooper Our New Dog

Guess what! On Monday I got a new dog!

He's a Miniature Australian Sheperd! He looks like a collie! Here are some CUTE pics I took!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sorry! To make up for it read this!

Sorry I havn't been posting lately, I've been working on school work so. Ya.

Anyway sence my blog is about what I want, I will show you one of my favorite games...

One is: and if you want cheats go to this cool blog that I like . If you like those please enjoy this cool game that I like , or , but on you can play alot of cool games!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sorry Max Died

Sorry I haven't been posting anything lately... I've been depressed, because my fat lug Max ( my chocolate lab) had to be put to sleep. He had : a patch of just skin and it pussed, he had red sores all over, and his hips were going out. He died on 8/8/09. :( But that doesnt mean I wont be posting old pictures of him on here.

Well I have to go. Till next time blog to you later!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Sorry! I've been busy! I said I would TRY not DO (officially).

Anyway what have you guys done this summer?


Oh what?! Sorry I dosed off cuz' I was soooo bord... OH not because of you of course! (My thoughts: "I dont think they bought that didn't fall asleep to their story... WHAT IF THEY'R LISTENING TO WHAT IM THINKING RIGHT NOW!!! OH NO!")

he he... Um... I guess, till next time blog to ya later! Don't be afraid to leave comments!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

2 Cute Pics!

Look at these 2 adorible faces of my puppy Toosie!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dangerous Daiary Paragraph 2!

2nd paragraph of Dangerous Diary!

Had someone placed it there knowing I would find it? Or was it just sitting there for all these years? As I pondered my mind I tried the key and it fit. I slowly turned the bronze key in the silver lock. "Click!" it was opened. I opened it and out came a note. It says: "What you read in this diary will come true." Suddenly out of now where the window busted open! Shocked, I ran down the stairs, clutching the diary in one hand, not shutting the door and went in to my room, slamming the door into its frame. Shortly after my mom came in questioning what was wrong. "The window in the attic swung open and I was so scared I ran in here." I responded (I crept the diary under my covers so I wouldn't frighten her any more.) She quickly questioned “What were you doing up there in the attic Lucy?”

Till Next time Blog to you later!